Monday, April 25, 2011

Cake cake cake...Cakey cakey cake

I wrote that title with the sound of Ron Burgundy in my head. I suggest you re-read that with his voice in your head.

Now that you're smiling, let's talk about cake. My dude does not have a sweet tooth.


No, he has sweet teeth.

He loves sugar like you love (insert your drop dead most favorite thing...EVER). Seriously.

True story:

We went to Target to purchase some random stuff right around Halloween. I had no intentions of buying Halloween candy due to the fact that at the time we lived in a condo in LA and were not only surrounded by people much older than us...but we also lived behind a gate. I figured we didn't need. Why fight with the temptation? Whilst walking around buying more than necessary (damn you TARGET), the dude says "eh, why don't we just get Halloween candy?" "Whatever you want, but I'm not handing it out" "OK!" So we bought a variety pack of full size M&M's, assuming that if we even had trick-or-treaters, that it would be very few and we could be the "cool house" giving out the legit full size candy (you know you had those in your neighborhood).

Anyway, when the dude picked out this candy I said "Just make sure you don't eat it all before Halloween" He essentially told me I was crazy and that the only pack he would even eat, if he even bothered, would be the peanut butter M&M's. Sure. OK.

Next day, seriously, I come home from work, open up the pantry and candy. Yes, ladies and gentlemen...he ate 15 packs of M&M' a day.

So, cake was obviously going to be a big deal. Huge deal. Titanic sinking big deal. Apple releases ANYTHING big deal. Yeah.

I asked the dude what kind of cake he wanted and every time his response was ice cream cake.


Granted, there are better, more appropriate designs than those pictured above, but I'm not going to lie. I shot down the idea faster than he ate 15 packs of M&M's. Not that I don't love ice cream cakes...I totally do. I just want this cake to be displayed and looked at and all that. If I allowed an ice cream cake to sit out that long, we'd have wedding soup for desert. No thanks.

The dude really didn't care what kind of cake we actually ended up with. The most important thing to him was that he try them...all of them...even if he liked the first (direct quote).

So that's what we ended up doing at the bridal fair in Monterey. We tried cake...after cake...after cake. Yeah, the servings are small (thank goodness)...but there were so many cake vendors (and candy vendors, and chocolate fountain vendors, and candy was also being handed out by nearly every booth). In the midst of all the frosting types, there was a part in the clouds. We tasted it. The most perfectly refreshing delicious cake. I knew from first bite that it was the one. My knees buckled...I may have drooled a little.

Next time we talk about style, flavor, vendor, and email.

How did you pick your cake?

Bridal Fairs : A great way to find vendors!

....or, alternate title:

Bridal Fairs : A great way to have your phone go off at all hours of the day/night

I wanted to take full advantage of the 'engaged' stage of getting married. I feel that it's a right of passage to get to go to bridal fairs while you're engaged. You get to wear a 'bride' sticker and everyone wants to talk to you (about your money). I've even heard of people winning amazing prizes! AH! How cool would that be?

I ended up going to three bridal fairs (in the same month), two in Sacramento (on the same day) and one in Monterey. I'll do a quick recap of each.

Sacramento Bridal Expo
My favorite part of this event was having the opportunity to attend with my amazing (and also engaged) friend. I love her! She's so sweet and encouraging! Getting to walk around with her and talk about our individual visions was so much fun! We tried every cake baker in the building, and even practiced feeding each other cake. We took pictures in multiple photo booths (these photos now grace the cover of my wedding planning binder).

But honestly, the day was overwhelming and unproductive. Mostly unproductive for me since I will be getting married 3 hours south of Sacramento. Overwhelming because there were approximately 1 million vendors there and I'm guessing 15 million people. The show was put into 5 different rooms and each room had everything you could need for a wedding. Why not a food room, a photography/videography/photo booth room, a gown/tuxedo room? I mean, why muddy the waters? I had specific things I wanted to get out of this visit and couldn't remember who I saw and in what room. Fail. We gave up and went to the other show in Sacramento.

(Other) Sacramento Bridal Fair
I don't even remember what this one was called or exactly where it was at. I remember a golf course and I remember it being far more manageable than the zoo at Cal Expo. The second show was very up scale and the vendors were very sweet and wanted to know your 'vision' all the time. Cool! We even ran into some fraternity brothers of ours and got to talk to them for a while, icing on my cake!

Again, I couldn't accomplish much with my distance, but we weren't just there for me, we were there to get ideas for my friend as well.

Monterey Bridal Show
I had really high hopes for this show. Really high. I was sure I was going to win a honeymoon...or my floral...or a pencil. I was sure I was going to win something. I was lucky enough to attend this show with both my mom and my dude. A winning combo for decision making.
We tasted every cake, talked to every DJ, tried our caterers food (at the show and at the open house), ran into 15 people I went to high school with, and even talked to some florists.
In the end, we fell in love with our caterer, found a highly recommended DJ, and tasted amazing cakes...and even picked what would become 'our cake'. All in one day.
Someone said this wedding planning was going to be difficult.

My warning to you in regard to wedding expos:
-Know what you're looking for
-Review pricing before the show ("show pricing" isn't all it's cracked up to be)
-Be prepared for a TON of emails. I brought these stickers with my name, address, email, and phone on them. phone won't stop!!! Not worth it. BE SELECTIVE!!!
-Don't go for the prizes. Sure, someone has to win...but that's usually one person out of 5 million (most of whom, let's be honest, aren't actually brides)...and all the emails afterward? GAHHHHHHH
-Don't eat before you go
-Write down what you thought about each photographer/baker/caterer...because you'll forget.

Next time we talk about picking cake from a distance.

Monday, April 18, 2011

All the girly things

I'm not girly. Well, not very girly. I do love handbags and designer clothing...but not the terribly girly version of either one. I still wear Converse on a daily basis and while in Japan, my big gift to myself was a kids t-shirt with a giant sumo wrestler on the front. I wear this stuff in public. No shame. I am adult.

Needless to say, there's something about this whole 'wedding' thing that has me wanting to look more refined...polished...lady like. I'm not trying to be someone I'm not...just a more refined version of me. Instead of Diet Coke in the can...I'll try and drink it out of a glass bottle. Still me, different container.

Besides all the dress buying, there's one more area that scares the bajeezus (it's a word today) out of me. Makeup. I don't own it, I don't wear it, I don't get it.

Seriously. I'm 27 and don't own any makeup. I owned some for a while, I got it as a gift, but it expired before my engagement shoot, so I threw it away. I knew I had to do something so I didn't look like a shiny grease-ball in my photos, so I inquired. I'm not ashamed...I don't know anything about makeup, so I asked the expert. Christina (of Mportraits) is not only an amazing photographer, but also a professional make up artist. I asked her what I should do in regard to preparing to look...more refined...for the engagement shoot. I figured this would help for not only this situation, but for the wedding as well. Christina let me know that she'd help me out and just to get MAC's 'studio fix' powder. Easy enough.

When the dude and I actually made it to the mall to register (seriously, going to the mall is out of the norm for us), I made sure we took a second to swing by MAC so I could pick up this powder stuff. We were promptly mauled by a sales person who asked 'What can I help you with?' I let her know that I wanted this 'Studio Fix' stuff. She was shocked that I didn't know what color I want. Don't you just have one called 'super white?' She did some tests on me and picked out a color. Super. Done.

Wait...she wants to sell me come the questions.

"What look are you going for?"
"I don't know"
"What do you want the feel to be?"
"I don't"
"Do you want to try blush?"
"Seriously? You're going to look washed out in your photos"
"Oh, well, um, ya know, my photographer..."
"You really should have more, this powder will wash you out, you'll look like a ghost"
***heart starts racing, what are you talking about? I just want my powder and no one gets hurt***

***I start sweating, I gotta get out of here***

Somehow I go blank and manage to get to the counter and pay for JUST the studio fix and RUN out of the store. Scary!

Some people fear jean shopping. Makeup stores, beauty stores, scare the DAYLIGHTS out of me.

Christina didn't end up adding anything to me during our engagement shoot. I put on the Studio Fix before we left the house and only applied my Dr. Pepper Bonne Bell lip gloss about 7 times throughout the 4 hour shoot (what? I'm telling you...I act like a child sometimes. Plus I'm addicted to chapstick!)

Engagement Photo beauty necessities (for me)

Hairbrush (used twice)

MAC Studio Fix (applied once, at the beginning)

Dr. Pepper Bonne Bell Chapstick (applied like a crack addict)

I feel like these three products did wonders to turn me into this:

I have no idea how I'm going to prepare for my big day. I will likely have to hire some poor soul to put makeup on my twitchy face.

That being said, I do have some inspiration for how I'd like to look:

Not the hair, just the makeup

Again, not the hair...the makeup

Like I said, I just want to be the glass diet coke bottle version of my canned version self.

What did you do for your engagement/wedding? Did you hire someone, or have you been using makeup long enough to know what you're doing and not break out in a sweat?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A bridal fair and a menu

Monterey hosts a bridal expo once a year and I, being a soon to be bride, am going to soak all this up while I can and not be the weirdo going to bridal shows for fun. What?

In January we made the trip down to Monterey and got to hang out with my parents for a bit. In talking to our caterers, Grapes of Wrath, we found out that on the same day...they were holding an open house and tasting! YEEHAW! I get to taste the food and make sure this is what I want for our big day! Two stone! Efficiency at it's finest. Awww, logistics!

Moving forward, we go to the expo and try to cover some bases we had yet to address...ya know, cake, hotels, DJ, food,, basically the wedding. We walked around with my mom and tasted approximately 400 different cakes, it was fun. After we finished with the expo, we headed home to pick up my dad and head back out to the open house. Once at the open house, we were greeted with an AMAZING it's own mini little bridal expo. In addition to a full spread of food, there an open bar, a cake baker, a photographer, and a DJ all on premises to kind of give you a feel of how they work with everyone. Everything was really well put together.

After registering and letting them know that I already had a contract on file, we all separated and went to the stations we really wanted to visit. Honestly, I was so tightly wound that I didn't even go get food. Seriously. This was the point right? I wasn't interested. I just found a table and looked around. Finally my mom, dad, and dude came back to the table with plates overflowing with food. All I heard were "mmm's" and "mmm, try this!" Good signs.

As they were enjoying the food, someone finally came over to chat with us and go over what we wanted for the wedding. I let them know what I liked about their proposal and what I didn't. We ironed some things out and I think it will be great!

So far, this is the menu:

Hors d'oeuvres
Manned Tostadita griddle station - basically you can get fresh made tortillas filled with chicken or pork and cheese, move on over to the chip and salsa area to top it all off.
These were amazing! Of the things I actually tasted at the open house...this is what I want to eat on my wedding day. I don't care if I don't get the main course...their carnitas were so good! This is made extra awesome by the salsa and chip station. Hello awesome.

Main Course
Grilled Flank Steak (Fajita style)
Chicken in Mole (again, cut fajita style)
Ancho chile rice pilaf
Chipotle black beans
Melon with chili and lime
Green Salad
Fresh corn and flour tortillas (made on the premises)
Salsa station (guacamole, mango salsa, regular salsa, sour cream, etc)

I think they captured my Mexican theme pretty well. I'm excited and I hope everyone likes the menu we came up with. I can't think of a better type of food to unite families and friends.

Now let me get real for a second here. This is not the first time I had the desire to have Mexican food at my wedding (or at least Mexican type food...I guess Mexican food at it's core is up for debate in what we ended up with and what I really wanted). Anyway, here are two ideas I wanted before I settled on (the amazing) Grapes of Wrath:

I would have killed to have a taco truck wedding. I ran into a couple road blocks though; there is literally nowhere to set this up at The Old Whaling Station...and I have to use the exclusive caterer. Can't you just feel the awesomeness of a taco truck wedding though?! AH! Maybe vow renewals someday...

Not going to lie...I contacted Chipotle headquarters directly about getting a cart (of sorts) for my wedding. I mean...can you imagine the pictures? Everyone sitting around with this silver pillows of amazing? Can you imagine your guests getting EXACTLY what they want? The smiles!
Chipotle contacted me back very quickly...with a giant 'no' and a 'your request is really not all that unique' story. Really Chipotle? Not that unique? Think of the business opportunities you're missing. Seriously. I can manage your wedding me.

So maybe I'm not original...I am me though, and I'm going to get what I want in some way shape or form. So bring it on Grapes of Wrath...I'm already hungry and your open house was such a tease!

How did you get down to choosing your wedding food du jour?

Let them eat!

I'm not talking cake...yet. I'm talking food. I'm really excited about feeding my guests!! We picked some excellent food, and I'm hoping it will set the mood for the night.

Our venue has an exclusive caterer, and that totally freaked me out. I have no choice? What if they totally stink? That would be awful. Granted, everyone says I won't have time to eat...but I want the food to taste good whether I get to eat or not.

Before I get into the caterer and the food, let's talk about what I would have LOVED to have had at the wedding.

Ideal #1 - SUSHI! How amazing would sushi be at a wedding? So modern and delicious! And look at the presentation possibilities!!

Look at all the green!

Look at the delicious flavor possibilities!

But we've discussed that I lack the gene that made me able to produce money out of my butt. When the dude and I go to sushi, it's no joke. I eat two rolls, he eats two gets pricy! On top of that, not everyone on my guest list is all that adventurous. I've heard it before, do what you want and don't think about anyone else...yeah yeah, but I want people full and happy and dancing. Plus all that alcohol when half the people won't touch the food? Um...liability?

Ideal #2 - BBQ. Not just any BBQ, the BBQ provided to two weddings of very close friends. The best freaking, cooked-on-site BBQ you've ever had in your life. Tri-tip so tender that you may or may not have eaten 15 pieces...But alas, this master of the BBQ is a local of the Placerville area and travel of a man and his BBQ pit is quite a request.

When has something like this disappointed anyone? Ya know...except vegetarians?

Ideal #3 - So we thought, and thought, and thought. Really it didn't take us that long, because one of our all time favorite foods in the entire Mexican food. Why not a delicious spread of Mexican food?

We spoke with our caterers, Grapes of Wrath, and came up with an excellent menu for our guests! But how is this going to taste? I contacted them via email and made all these choices online...what if the food sounded good, but tasted like...well, not good?

Hello Fajita buffet! They've got it in their repertoire!

After talking to the caterer for a bit, the dude and I were able to finally put our worries to rest...but we'll talk about that and the actual menu next time.

How did you pick your caterer and your style of food?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Not going to lie...I have STD's

Yes, that's right. The Save The Dates (STD's) have gone out...and I kept one for myself.

That's what you thought right?

Back when I first started planning this wedding, I thought paper products and all the fun stationary was going to mean a LOT to me. But you know what? It totally doesn't. I have gotten so many different kinds of invitations over the years...and honestly I don't remember any of them. For me, they're a simple thing to give someone some information...and that's it. If you think someone out there is going to hold on to your invitation as a're wrong. On the list of my priorities, paper is pretty dang low. I have to keep reminding myself that at some point I'm going to have to get invitations...that'll be another post at another time...should I remember in time to purchase the invitations.

Moving forward, I know that our wedding is an 'out of town wedding' for most everyone, heck, even us. So I felt getting them this information as early as possible was crucial. Our wedding will be in September and we sent the STD's out in January. This allows plenty of time for people to purchase lower cost plane tickets, save for gas (seriously, $4.00 per gallon?), reserve hotels in the area, and arrange their schedule with work...should they decide to come.

In my head I thought it would be fun to have Monterey postcards as save the dates, ya know, those tourist post cards you can buy on the wharf? But then I figured I was going to have to worry about printing on them...too much work.

Then I thought it would be fun to have vintage cactus postcards. Again, I can't seem to keep a linear thought because...I would still have to worry about printing.

One day in December, a good friend of mine, Shannon, sent me a link to a 75% off sale at Zazzle, part of the email was this super cute STD...Shannon had designed a modern cactus Save the Date for us! How awesome! All I had to do was go on the website and edit it to be what I wanted exactly and hit order. Heck yes! I edited, I ordered, I paid just $21.61 for 50 fully printed fantastic STD's!

After I ordered these I got super excited and started creating our wedding website (more on that later)...I was just so excited! But, wait a minute...what good was our website going to do if they weren't on the STD's? Crap.

So the postcards came and they're gorgeous!

Front of our STD

Back of our STD's

Do you see that? It doesn't magically have our wedding website! How dare they.

So I brainstorm, how am I going to share this information with my guests? Let's try writing it first...

Nope. All wrong. My Sharpie was too fat to write it all clearly. Off to Target I went...

I picked up some small labels and printed up the website and password at home

While I was out, I also picked up the necessary stamps to get the post cards in the mail that day. Between the stamps and the labels, my cost for the STD's sky rocketed! I paid $46 between the two! So much for saving money!

Stuck those suckers to the back of the rest of the invitations and called it good.

Yeah, I totally shoved them all in at once...

A few pointers on invites, STD's, and DIY
-No stress on ordering black! I used the amazing silver sharpie to address all my Save the Dates! I highly recommend it!

-Don't jump the gun! Seemingly good deals come around a LOT! I was not prepared to order STD's...I didn't even have my full guest list yet. In fact, not everyone that is invited got one because I didn't order enough! On top of that...I didn't have my website printed on the invitation and the addition of that would have easily saved me $20 in my total for STD's.

-Order more than you think you need. Oh man, not only did some very important people not end up with an STD...I messed up on the writing and had no option but to try and fix my mistakes. You saw the mess with the website, but what happens when you're hand addressing and you mess up? This is what happens...

Do you see those smudges around her name? I totally messed up and had no way of fixing my error. I tried blacking out the silver sharpie, but it created a mess...I was (am) so embarrassed. Order yourself more than you could ever think you need. You'll need extra for trial and error and you'll need some for just straight up error.

For me, this is DIY fail #1. We'll see how invitations go...ya know...assuming I remember.

Did you send out STD's?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Phitness : I had no idea I was competitive

Throughout my childhood I was involved in sports. In fact, in junior high, I found myself involved in:

Judo (Competitive)
Swimming (Competitive)

Yeah, I would get out of swimming practice and have to rush over to gymnastics. It was nuts! During a major Judo tournament, I got thrown on my head by another competitor and my collar bone snapped. During my down time for recovery I became extremely lazy and continued to eat like I still had a sport du jour to occupy my time. But alas, I did not. Eventually when I was healed...I didn't feel the same. I had become very depressed and negative. I began to shield myself from most everything and I just gave up on every single sport...even the ones I loved the most.

Fast forward to graduating from high school, I'm 45 pounds heavier than when I first joined swim team...and I'm just a miserable, unhappy kid. My mom and I decided to join Weight Watchers together and she even offers to pay for a Curves membership!

Man, when you're starting out, what a great combo! I was starting to feel good, but I still had no real direction. Eventually all of that fell to the side and I lost complete interest. I did the whole yo-yo thing back and forth for a while. When I finally moved out to college to focus on business (something that finally reignited my fire for life) I started to take my own life in my own hands. I made choices that were good for me and would hopefully in the long run make me feel better about myself. I would occasionally work out...I thought I had this thing under control.

I was busy, I would continue to yo-yo, but I was definitely on the right decision making path, so I became complacent. Eventually some friends talked me in to joining 24 Hour Fitness. That was fun, especially when I could go to the gym with those friends and beat them at their own game. At the time, my competitiveness was not something I even considered...I didn't even know it existed. I just thought it was fun when I could look over at a friend...or a complete strangers treadmill and see that not only had I been on there longer, but I'd gone faster, harder, and further. Success. Still, I had no idea I was competitive.

When we moved to LA and I started my job, my amazing supervisor (and now amazing friend), Tabitha pointed out to me that "Um, HELLO, you're competitive"..."No way! I don't care if I lose"

I'm sure she thought I was nuts. How could I not know I was competitive? I turned everything into a competition. I let her words sink in a little, and I still thought she was nuts. So a little while went by before I brought up her comments to the dude. "Dude, you're going to think this is hilarious, Tabitha thinks I'm competitive! She's so crazy!"


Dude: "Um, you are the most competitive person I know"


So, I don't know if you know me, but my name is Amelia...and I'm competitive. I've analyzed myself and yeah...I'm pretty much competitive 24 hours a day. I compete against people that don't know I'm competing against them.

This all brings me to the heart of my Phitness. I had to find something...anything that would keep me interested and competing. Maybe Weight Watchers would have worked for me if I had to weigh in in front of the whole world...but it was so private, I didn't care too much about beating myself.

Tabitha and I started creating Susan G Komen, Race for the Cure teams...and well, that's where I broke the competitive seal. I love running in races! I can compete against anyone...even though I know I'm not going to win...I still compete to beat my old times and people who are in much better shape than I. When I can overtake them I feel a huge sense of accomplishment. I don't have a runners body, but I have a runners attitude and so far it's taken me through 4 half marathons. I see a long relationship with running in races, especially now that I've embraced my inner competitor.

I stay in shape to beat the next unknowing suspect. I stay in shape to enjoy my jeans (yeah, I'm vain). I stay in shape so my doctor tells me "Holy cow, your heart rate is low"...yeah, I compete for low heart rates. I'm not doing this for my dress...I'm doing it for domination.

Here's a couple shots at me at some races this last year:

My lil' bro Chris and his wife Jess at our first 1/2, Shamrockin' Half Marathon

Right at the end of the Salinas Valley Half Marathon

After the Big Sur Half Marathon on Monterey Bay
(note: just 5 weeks post surgery, what what!)

I participated in a couple other races last year, but don't have any photographic evidence.

This year I'm only going to participate in two races, since they aren't free and little things for the wedding are a tad bit more important this year. I am, however, trying to plan out my races for next year, and am contemplating increasing my race comfort zone to a full marathon. What a dream!

So, what keeps you going on your weight loss journey? Have you found it yet, or are you still searching?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The sun sets and we freeze for a good reason

I haven't mentioned this before...but it was the end of February when we took these pictures...just after a major snow storm and just before another (WHAT LUCK!)...needless to was FREEZING out. I'm really glad the pictures don't show how cold we were because for most of them, I was shaking.

After taking pictures all through Downtown Placerville, we headed up to Sly Park Lake with Tyler and Christina for some snow shots. We got there just before the sun really went down, and they were able to capture some amazing colors...and more amazingly catch us not shaking.

Again, all photos by Mportraits.

After we were sufficiently frozen and losing more and more light, we headed back down the freeway for one final stop. Tyler and Christina had scouted all the locations the day prior and fell in love with the view of the sunset in one particular spot on a should of Highway 50. So we went! We made it a little later than anticipated, but we still got an amazing shot...

If you're thinking about doing an engagement shoot I highly recommend it. Your wedding day is going to be an extremely special day and you're going to get amazing photos...but you won't have the freedom in clothing and comfort to get shots like these all day long. There will be people that want to see you, there will be people that want to talk to you. An engagement shoot can help get all the photo criteria met that you won't have time to get to on your wedding day.

Another important aspect of the engagement shoot for me was...the dude is BEYOND camera shy. This helped him get comfortable with the cameras and the people taking the photos. He did you can see. I couldn't be happier with these pictures, the dude in the pictures, and the fact that these are our photographers!

Are you or did you do an engagement shoot? What were your feelings about it afterward?

And still there were more!

We took photos for over 4 hours! Tyler and Christina (mportraits) sure knew how to take the lead and make us feel comfortable.

After we finished in the candy store, we went for a quick walk (while taking pictures) and then we all retreated back to our respective cars for the next location.

While back in the car, I decided it was time for a bit of a wardrobe change. The dude replaced is collared shirt with a black 1/4 zip sweater and I changed completely to black skinny jeans and a gray cowl neck sweater with a zipper on the front side.

We met Tyler and Christina at this amazingly old archway near downtown Placerville, this is what they came up with...

After this location, the sun was in "I'm going to set on you" mode, so we all jumped in our cars and decided to meet up at Starbucks, where the dude and I got into Tyler and Christina's car and headed up for some snow shots during sunset!

Did you have multiple locations for your engagement shoot?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Take me to the candy shop...

When we arrived our photographers asked if we would be interested in taking a few photos at the local vintage candy shop. Uh...YES! You're the artists. On top of that, the dude has the biggest sweet tooth EVER. In fact, it's not just a sweet tooth, it's sweet teeth. Seriously. It was perfect! (All photos taken by mportraits)

(The candy shop owner busted out his Willy Wonka costume and joined in on the fun)

In our next episode we go for a walk...and make a quick wardrobe change!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Did you really think I was just going to give you a sneak peak?

I'm so excited about these photos, let's just get to it.

We started our photo shoot at about 3pm in Downtown Placerville with the amazing husband and wife team of mportraits (Tyler and Christina). First of all, they're amazing and adorable...I love them. Not going to lie...I love them even more now that I'm in LOVE with our engagement photos.

Moving forward, all photos in this post are by the amazing mportraits duo (LOVE YOU!!)

Obviously there are a million more, but I don't want to get too crazy with the pictures in just one post!

In our next episode, we go to a candy shop!