Thursday, January 27, 2011

I can't pick a candy bar, but a dress? No problem! (Part 3)

I am not a traditional bride. Or maybe I'm extremely traditional. What do you call it these days when a bride wants to wear her mothers wedding gown? Is that traditional or nontraditional? Maybe it's a nontraditional tradition?

Anyway, My mom and sister had finally shown up to the mall in San Jose. I had decided well in advance that since I'm not necessarily in store for the big dress that most girls are, that malls stores would suffice. I chose to start our day off at Macy's. I figured Macy's had a pretty large party dress area, and it'd be pretty low stress.

My main goals? Find a reception dress with a unique neckline and possibly in Gray. I wanted to stand out...for some reason I thought blending in with my wedding colors would help me to stand out.

Here's a couple shots of what we found at Macy's (all on the rack since they looked so...NOT special on me).

Here's me holding a contender and joking about another, obvious non-contender.

My future Mother in Law thinks I should wear white, that my gray idea is crazy. I don't think this helps the point though...

There's the unique neck line I want!

None of these were going to work. I can see why now, but I felt why then. When I tried these hanger-cuties on in the dressing room, I felt like I was going to a wedding...not my wedding. I felt like a guest, someone meant to be kept in the background so the spotlight could be on someone more a bride.

I did try on a dress at Macy's though that did work and made my decision fast and simple. See, my title comes my complete lack of ability to choose things quickly. As a child I would go to the store and my mom or dad would say "ok, you can get one candy". Really? ONE?! But there are SOOOO many options! What if I make the wrong choice? Seriously, over a candy bar! I still do it too. UGH!

I had my mom bring her dress to the mall with her. When it was time to try on her dress, I got nervous that the sick feeling would come back. I had to do it. I had to try on the dress. We had the entire dressing room area to I suited up. Zip. Perfect. I felt happy, a bride. I knew it right away. My feelings were confirmed when my sister, future mother in law, and future sister in law walked in. My mom and FMIL (ok, I can't type it out anymore...) both had tears in their eyes. Why can't I get tears when I pick a candy bar? Life would be so much easier.

Here's the easiest decision of the day (or so I thought):

The stunning veil that perfectly matches all of the lace on the dress

It hits around my calves.

In our next adventure, we are off to the one single place I actually made an appointment.

Did the reactions of others help to solidify your choice?

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