Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I can't pick a candy bar, but I can pick a dress no problem (part 2)

So we last left off with me wanting to hurl all over the place after putting on my dream dress. In case you didn't read our last adventure, my dream dress has always been to wear my mothers dress for my wedding.

I took the dress off and put my sweats back on and didn't say anything. We all know that isn't going to fly around a mother and sister, so I was immediately thwarted with questions of "well, are you going to wear it?" "are you sure it's your style". My response? "Look, I think trying this on without a ring on my finger is just freaking me out right now. I'll make my decision when I need to". I came to the conclusion that my visceral reaction to the dress had nothing to do with my dude, and more to do with me getting so far ahead of myself that suddenly things were becoming real when they really shouldn't be.

Fast forward some time later (a little over a year)...

The dude and I get engaged in October (yaaaaaay!). Suddenly, everything feels so RIGHT! Everything feels like it's happening exactly when it's supposed to. Suddenly, the thought of dresses and honeymoons aren't freaking me out! We waited a while into our relationship to get engaged, but at the moment everything felt like we were supposed to wait that long. We both had complete comfort with each other.

Fast forward to December 26, dress shopping. I chose to bring my mom, sister, future mother in law, and future sister in law for a day of dress shopping. Yes, the day after Christmas...and at the largest mall in San Jose. I felt like wedding planning was going far too smoothly, so why not throw in my own wrench of crowds and holiday stress?

Here's me shopping around looking at possible reception dresses while waiting for my mom and sister to show.

Everyone took pictures that day...everywhere. Here's me with Bridesmaid K outside of the restrooms. Classy!

Tune in next time for the great awakening....and how I can pick a dress faster than I've ever been able to pick a candy bar.

Are you a two dress bride? What led you down that path or did you always know you'd go there?

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